She Learns About Three Gifts From Our Creator
CR was in a fatal car accident. She found herself outside of her body observing the accident from above. The car had plummeted down from an 80 ft. cliff. CR was aware of a being who gave her the life review by a being. She saw how every kind and unkind act rippled throughout the universe. Her life review showed her that everything we do has an impact on the universe. Additionally, the being said he would show her three possible destinies: One destiny was that she would die and leave her children behind. She learned they would be fine without her; The second choice would leave her with disabilities; Thirdly, she would be required to share her story and message that love is all that matters, if she chose to return. She liked that idea. The being continued that she would write a book entitled “Love Letters to Your Soul†and to include the three gifts.
The Three Gifts
The Three Gifts
The first gift is to pay attention to the earthiness of Earth and the gift of the planet that we have in the Earth, just by smelling freshly cut grass; the second gift is appreciating how the sun rises and sets daily. This reminds us that everyday offers us an opportunity to have a new beginning; thirdly, is to be fully present whenever we are hugging or touching someone. CR realized that hugging her children was routine. She thought how many times she has brushed her children’s hair and that she didn’t take the time to just stroke their head and really touch them with deep loving intention. CR woke up in her car upside down in her seat. Her friends were alive!
Why Does God Allow So Much Suffering?
CR attended a Unity Church where she asked a man on stage her question, how could God allow so much suffering? He responded with is there any darkness within you? Yes. Have you ever lied? Yes. Have you ever stolen something? Yes. Have you eaten an animal? Yes. The man said there is a war going on inside of you, work on that. Our Creator has made Earth a planet of free will. Our choices direct our end destination. We are the children of God, children of the Divine. Everything we experience, our Creator experiences too. We are God, experiencing Himself. We come here as spiritual beings to experience physical life knowing there is darkness here.
Chrystal Rae invites you to read her book which has within its page’s is poetry and messages of love. It is on Amazon, and the name of her book is: “Love Letters To Your Soul†Amazon paperback: Each page in her book has a message of love. What a wonderful gift from this lovely lady. Her website is:
This video was produced by: Life After Life NDE. To contact the channel here is their email address: [email protected]. Here is the video for your viewing pleasure:
Ok Spiritual Warriors, It’s Time To Hear From You!
What did you think about this NDE? Did any part of this video resonate with you? What resonated for me were the three gifts. It is true we take for granted our daily blessings. Chrystal’s message was clear: Love is the only thing that matters! Please share your comments below. Thank you for stopping by.