We Are All Connected
Humans have been led to believe that their physical mind is in charge over their lives. We feel the need to try and figure out how everything works or doesn’t work within our lives. According to Bashar, to find answers to our many questions, it is more important to focus on our higher self. This is especially true when we think we are helping someone by taking on their problems. But, this often times, this only serves to burden us with tasks, and responsibilities that we have no business taking on. Bashar makes it quite apparent we need to place your burdens with your Higher Self. This is why Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. This means giving Jesus control and letting Him direct our efforts. (Matthew 23:4)”
Many of us take on the problems of the people we love. We naturally offer assistance to our loved ones. But ultimately, our loved ones have to make their own decisions and learn from their own mistakes. Our mistakes bring valuable life lessons to light. When it comes to helping our family members, we need to be aware of this. As a parent of a 28-year old son, I tread lightly around giving him advice. I provide loving support and offer him a different way of looking at a problem. There will be many opportunities for teaching my son through his life’s lessons. I have found that by sharing my personal experiences (within reason) with my son and what I have learned through my mistakes, demonstrates my loving concern for him. Furthermore, for those situations, where you are burdened with problems; place those burdens with Your Higher Self. Remember that we are ALL connected with the Light. Placing our burdens with Our Higher Self is placing those problems within The Light as illustrated below:
Higher Self = Christ Consciousness, God, Source, Higher Power, Creator, Yeshua, Jesus, The One, The Light
This video was produced by Juhani Pelkonen, owner of YouTube Channel of the same name. Pelkonen is a mentor of conscious creators.
Spiritual Warriors: Tell me what you think. Give me three examples of burdens you are going to offer up to your Higher Self. Thank you.